The 2023 OCR Report Moneyboard
With the first major OCR events right around the corner in April, athletes from around the world will come to compete in the first Spartan 3k Series and GoRuck Games in Florida.
This year's...
Moneyboard Update: We Take A Deep Dive Onto Page Two
The top 10 Moneyboard athletes took the week off from winning that sweet OCR money so this week we check out Page 2 of the Moneyboard!
Veejay Jones (in 1st) and Logan Broadbent (in 11th)...
The $10,000 Dollar Man: Veejay Jones Increases His Moneyboard Lead
This week on the Moneyboard: Veejay Jones is the first to cross the $10,000 mark for the year and Kris Rugloski moves up a spot with her win at Spartan Stadion Dallas.
Veejay Jones won...
Titan Rising: Lindsay Webster Makes Her Moneyboard Debut
The top seven spots are unchanged, but a titan begins her rise as Lindsay Webster makes her first appearance on the Moneyboard this year.
The OCR Report Moneyboard tracks OCR race winnings all year long....
Alex Walker and Logan Broadbent Make Their Move on the Moneyboard
Alex Walker and Logan Broadbent took advantage of a slow week on the Moneyboard to make their move.
First, Second, and Third place were unchanged with Veejay Jones, Rebecca Hammond, and Ryan Kempson taking the...
$16,000 of Hildervat winnings mix up the Moneyboard
All the race winnings this week come from just one race, but it is a big one. Hildervat Jacksonville gave out over $23,000 in winnings this weekend and you can see most of it...
The OCR Report Moneyboard Update: Action in the Bottom Half
The action is in the bottom half of the board this week, but don't worry. Next week will have the action up you want up top.
The top five places on the board are unchanged...
Moneyboard Update: We Have A New Leader
WE HAVE A NEW LEADER and a lot of movement up and down on this week's OCR Report Moneyboard.
First Place. Ryan Kempson takes the lead in the 2021 Moneyboard with his win at Savage...
MONEYBOARD Update: Top Four Hold Their Ground and Two New Faces Join The Top...
The OCR Report MONEYBOARD is the first-ever season long tracking of the winnings of the elite-level OCR athletes. The MONEYBOARD is an OCR Report exclusive feature and we are excited to bring it to...
Announcing an OCR Report Exclusive: The OCR Report MONEYBOARD
The OCR Report is proud to announce a first in the sport of Obstacle Course Racing: The OCR Report MONEYBOARD.
Medals are great, and headbands are fun, but you can’t eat fun. You can’t pay...