There has been a big charge by USAOCR in getting a team together for the potential World Obstacle Championship being put on in Belgium later this year! Due to this, they reached out asking to come on the show and talk about it.
As media we try to stay up to date with what is going on in our niche sport. Unfortunately USAOCR has been a bit of a blind spot in our knowledge so this was a helpful interview with Ian Hosek for ourselves as well in learning what is going on, why it’s happening, and the overall changes that USAOCR has made to fix their reputation and begin laying down a better foundation for the sport moving forward.
0:00 – 4:27 – Intro
4:27 – 10:38 – Quick News
10:38 – 11:05 – Content Preface
11:05 – 43:13 – USAOCR Interview
43:13 – End – Outro
Next episode we plan to either have an elite on from Savage Race Maryland or Spartan Big Bear 3K!
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Falmouth Road Race Registration Open
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Spartan Fayetteville Super Podiums
Table Soccer Secret Link
Tourette’s Secret Link
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Intro music – “Streaker” by: Straight Up
Outro music – “Iron Paw” by: Dubbest