Obstacle Running Adventures

Obstacle Running Adventures
This weekly podcast follows the adventures of MStefano Running, a small but dedicated team of runners that complete both road races as well as OCRs.

423. Winning West Coast Spartans, Carrying Kayaks, Wolf’s Den and More with Chloe Melikian!

In the last episode (and a few before that), we kept talking about having an athlete on the show who we've mentioned a lot in Quick News because she's always popping up on the...

422. reRun of 4. Blizzard Blast with Fred Smith!

We planned to finally give Abominable Snow Race some well deserved attention with a couple guests but we were unable to find a time that worked out after 2 attempts at rescheduling.  So after panicking for...

421. The Disney Dopey Challenge with Sarah Hetzel!

Sarah Hetzel took on the Dopey Challenge which is completing all of the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend events!  This consists of the 5K on Thursday, 10K on Friday, half marathon on Saturday, and the marathon on...

420. Accountability Corner with Darren Martin, Morgan Maxwell, and Chris Shipley!

Accountability Corner is a podcast created in May 2023 by 3 athletes (Darren Martin, Morgan Maxwell, and Chris Shipley) in England who wanted to keep themselves accountable! Darren, Morgan, and Chris have progressed to also helping their listeners stay accountable! Hear us...

419. reRUN of 1. Welcome to the Podcast! (Pilot)

So this is a first for the show and we don't plan to do this often but we are rereleasing an older episode for this week!  This will be done during times where it's...

418. 2024 OCR Podcaster Roundtable Chat with Fran Chiorando, Dave Claxton, Scott Knowles, and...

Every year since 2018 we have started the year off with a round table discussion with other podcasters in the sport of OCR.  In the past we have had Heather Bode, Matt B Davis, Josh Chace, Scott "the...

417. 2024 Recap Compilation – Lessons Learned and Things Remembered!

It is clip compilation time of the year again! The second of our two 2024 compilation episodes focuses on the important moments of each episode of the show from this year.  There is also a...

416. 2024 Recap Compilation – Bloopers, Jokes, Good Times, Oh My!

It is clip compilation time of the year again! The first of our two 2024 compilation episodes focuses on the funny moments, bloopers, jokes, and post credit parts of the show from this year.  Hopefully...

415. Richard Hynek on Trifecta World Championship, Spartan Beast World Championship, and Much More!

We wanted to get an episode on the Spartan Beast World Championship again this year but it can be pretty difficult with language and time zone barriers! Luckily we heard back from Richard Hynek who we have heard and...

414. Running Across Massachusetts, Designing Shoes, and Personal Growth with David Filar!

It started off as a quick news story but Mike figured that he would reach out to the local athlete and he is so glad that he did! David Filar ran across the state of Massachusetts...


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