403. Baylen Bean on Finding OCR, Qualifying for Elite, Winning Spartan Pan-American Championships, and...
We have been hearing about Baylen Bean for a while now, after his recent victory at Spartan Pan-American Championships we figured that it would be a perfect time to finally have him on the show!
We talk about his...
402. Josh Fiore on Winning Spartan Killington Ultra, and Unfinished Business at World’s Toughest...
Well, we still can't believe this is the first time that Josh Fiore has gotten his own episode but here we are!
Josh has been involved with OCR in the northeast for well over a decade as a...
401. The Final BoldrDash with Racers, and Lynn Hall!
There were some big events that happened this weekend with Tough Mudder Infinity in Pittsburg, the final Conquer the Gauntlet under the Mainprize ownership, the first of the Savage Point Series races in Maryland, and the Spartan European...
400. Episode 400 with Live Intro/Outro, Surprise Congratulations Clips, Q&A, and Shoutout Compilation!
Another huge milestone of the show, hitting 400 Episodes! Don't quote me on it but I can't think of any other OCR podcasts that have made it this far (other than Obstacle Racing Media)...
398. New England Spartan Super, Sprint, and Teddy Bear Crawl!
The New England Spartan Super and Sprint weekend came back to Barre, MA and it felt good to be back! Most are pretty familiar with the ~10K Super and the ~5K Sprint so those don't need...
397. OCR in the US Midwest with Evan Perperis!
After Evan Perperis interviewed Mike to talk about OCR in the Northeast on Strength and Speed (listen to episode here), Mike pulled an uno reverse and asked Evan to come on our show!
We have heard of some events that take...
396. Savage Race Boston with Elites!
It's that time for New England to get savage again! Mike woke at 6:15am and drove to Carter and Stevens Farm in Barre, MA to cover the Savage Race Boston and as always he didn't regret...
395. Viking Obstacle Race’s Final Raid and Night Trail Run with Racers and Asa...
We drove the 3 hours to Greenville, NY to cover the Ultra Viking 8 Hour (Northeast Ultra Cup Finale)/ Final Raid/ whatever we called their last event!
The race director Asa Coddington aka OCR Yoda has been a...
394. Kaeley Wynsma on Winning Chicago Savage Race, Hybrid Racing, Give and Take of...
There was the final race in the Spartan USNS Series but there was also an athlete who ran Savage Chicago who I wanted to have on the show. Mike put it up as a...
393. Luca Pescollderungg on Winning Spartan Ultra World Championship, Being Spartan European Champion, and...
We had the winner of Spartan Ultra World Championships on the show, Luca Pescollderungg!
We talk about his background in the sport, his thoughts on being one of the best climbers in the sport of OCR, his other...