413. World’s Toughest Mudder 2024! (Part 4: Bar Crawl Interviews)
It is the end of World's Toughest Mudder coverage time ... for this year!
Mike flew down to Florida to help with The OCR Report live stream and to do a whole bunch of podcast coverage. So...
412. World’s Toughest Mudder 2024! (Part 3: Brunch Interviews and Audio)
It's Still World's Toughest Mudder time!
Mike flew down to Florida to help with The OCR Report live stream and to do a whole bunch of podcast coverage. So much so, that we are hopefully going to...
411. World’s Toughest Mudder 2024! (Part 2: Race Day Interviews with Athletes, Volunteers, and...
It's Still World's Toughest Mudder time!
Mike flew down to Florida to help with The OCR Report live stream and to do a whole bunch of podcast coverage. So much so, that we are hopefully going to...
410. World’s Toughest Mudder 2024! (Part 1: Pit Check In and Community Dinner)
It's World's Toughest Mudder time!
Mike flew down to Florida to help with The OCR Report live stream and to do a whole bunch of podcast coverage. So much so, that we are hopefully going to get...
409. Leon Kofoed on Injury Recovery, Intrinsic Goals, Winning OCRWC 3K, and More!
It has been a long time coming but we finally had Leon Kofoed on the show for his own episode!
He is one of the more popular social media personalities in the sport and one of the...
408. Jack Goras on Photography, Travels, OCR Thoughts, Helping in Ukraine, and More!
I have been wanting to do this for a while ... even though I'm not sure him or the others in The OCR Report believed me!
It's Jack Goras, the guy behind the camera at pretty...
407. Mike Reclaims Title of Ultra Runner at Survival of the FITtest 12 Hour...
A bit of a pivot for this week's episode since Mike had his "A race" of the year, the FIT Challenge Survival of the FITtest!
A couple years ago he planned to take on the 30...
406. Ja Shua Ried on Athletic Risk, OCRWC, FKTs, and More!
OCRWC was last weekend in Mammoth Lakes, CA and we wanted to have Ja Shua Ried on for his own episode to talk about his experience!
Ja Shua was a prominent member of the OCR in the northeast before...
405. Kevin “The Mudman” LaPlatney on 252 OCRs, Ultras, and How OCR Isn’t Dead...
This weekend was OCRWC in Mammoth Lakes, CA and you will totally hear about that ... next week when I have time to schedule an interview with an athlete but it is Tuesday and people are...
404. Yaris Cruz on Puerto Rico, World Obstacle’s OCR World Championships, and Winning MidWest...
We had Yaris Cruz on the show once before while doing interviews at OCRWC in 2021, having her on again for her own episode was long overdue!
Yaris as an athlete is known to be a force to be...