On this episode we are joined by Gwendolyn (Wendy) Bounds, an award winning journalist and author as well as a multi-time AG champ in spartan racing. Wendy is an absolute powerhouse, and we’ve had the pleasure of coaching her since 2019.

Wendy recently wrote a book called Not Too Late which details her journey into obstacle racing and the power of pushing limits at any age. Obstacle racer or not, this is such an inspiring episode with lots of insightful takeaways.

Click here to check out the book.

The Nitty Gritty Training Podcast is hosted by Jessica O’Connell, MSc, CSEP-CEP, OLY, and Faye Stenning, BKin, and coaches at Grit Coaching! We offer custom run and strength training for runners, OCR, and hybrid athletes. Check us out!


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