While some of our favorite long-standing national chains seem to be disappearing, there are still plenty of great opportunities to get out and race. One of which is already under way with more events coming up fast!

What is it? The Hydra series is a collaboration of two awesome but small Obstacle Course Races (OCRs) that are based out of Missouri near the St. Louis area. It consists of three events in total:
Hazelwood The Mosh (~5k, 50 obstacles) March 23, 2024 (already passed)
Mythic Race (5k and 5 hour options) April 13, 2024
Hazelwood The Rotten Pumpkin (~5k, 50 obstacles) October 26, 2024

Hazelwood’s Events: Hazelwood OCR has been around for a couple of years offering a low price point with a ton of obstacles. They usually have around 50 obstacles on a course that is typically 2-3 miles long. They usually host two events a year, a winter-ish one (Feb or March) and a fall one (Sept or Oct). The themes and names change each year but what you can expect are a ton of unique obstacles that utilize their entire venue including things like running up water slides, going against the current on a lazy river, jumping from heights onto giant crash pads, multiple rigs (with options to rest for the non-elite) and obstacles you haven’t seen anywhere else (I can say that even after more than 150+ events from different companies). All of their events are run in time trial format so you’ll have no lines at obstacles and elites that want to race can’t take it easy coasting to a podium spot because you don’t know what pace anyone else is running.

Mythic Race: Mythic Race is about to kick off their third year. The race started by William Shell, a former pro track athlete turned OCR athlete, has some of the best and most unique obstacles. Just like Hazelwood you pay local prices and get fun and unique obstacles. He also has Race Ready Obstacles (the same brand that often builds at OCR World Championship) helping build some fun rigs and mashups of obstacles. Mashups like traverse wall-skitch combination, La Gaffe-cargo net-Dragon’s Back and rigs with components you rarely see (unders, low rigs and a rotating hand traverse that is hard to explain in text format that I’ll call the blue rig).
The “blue rig” pictured above required you to traverse a pole, rotate the giant hexagon, traverse the same pole now in a new position and then cross a couple of rig holds. Had this been a larger event, I think this would have been in the running for obstacle of the year because it was fun and challenging for many but not crazy hard and visually very appealing for those watching. Bottom line: you need to show up.

What do you get? Participants of all three race in the series will get a massive five-inch Hydra medal. Top finishers for male and female will also get a 1st Phorm prize package of supplements. If you have already missed an event, I would still sign up for the other two because it will send the demand signal that they should do it again next year.

Why you should sign up: As we have seen, brands that don’t have the numbers tend to disappear. Hazelwood OCR and Mythic Race have never canceled a race, continue to offer low entry prices, and have obstacles better than major brands. You’ll get the small race and personal vibes at these events but with a ton of great obstacles. Whenever I’m free, these are some of the first races I plug into my calendar and I suggest you do the same.
Sign up and learn more information via links on their Facebook pages: