Spartan recently released a trove of information for the 2022 championship races and championship series. Included in the info drop are the qualification requirements for the 2022 Spartan World Championship. You can read the full list of information at the Spartan Zendesk site.

There are three categories for each qualifying race and series: Open, Age Group, and Elite. This article will cover requirements for Age Group and Elite heats. Open wave racers may sign up and compete at the Spartan World Championships without meeting a qualification requirement.

Five Ways To Qualify

There are five ways to qualify for the Elite or Age Group wave at the Spartan World Championship.

1. By ranking high enough at a single 2022 National or Regional Series event that takes place prior to 10/24/22. Spots are distributed based on the chart below.
2. Once a series has completed or on 10/24/22 (whichever comes first), any spots not claimed by qualifiers from individual events will roll down based on the series leaderboard. Spots are distributed based on the chart below.
3. By ranking high enough at a Regional or National Championship (eg. North American, European). See the chart below for the number of spots allocated to each Regional Championship.
4. By ranking high enough at any 2022 event in the MENA region. (ed. note: MENA stands for "Middle East and North Africa")
5. Throughout 2022, Spartan reserves the right to designate select regular season events eligible for World Championship qualifying points, for both Elite and Age Group categories.
Spartan World Championship Elite Qualifying Standards
Spartan World Championship Elite Qualifying Standards
Spartan World Championship Age Group Qualifying Standards
Spartan World Championship Age Group Qualifying Standards

There will also be a rolldown system for racers who finish outside the above criteria.

The 2022 rolldown system will remain the same as the 2021 system, whereas if someone has already qualified they will not receive a 2nd invite and instead their invitation will be awarded to the next competitor that meets the criteria listed.

Spartan has made it very clear that Elite and Age Group racers ARE able to sign up for the Spartan World Championships before they have met the qualification requirements. However, if they have not met the requirements by October 24th, 2022 they will be moved to the Open heat of the World Championships with no option for a refund.

For more on the Spartan World Championships be sure to listen to The OCR Report Podcast and follow The OCR Report on Instagram.



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