Adriane Alvord joins the show to share her story.
Adriane finished in 9th Place at her first WTM in 2016. After qualifying as an Elite Contender at Toughest Mudder Philly she had high hopes for 2017. The race didn’t end up working out the way she hoped, after a nasty fall from Stage 5 Clinger left her with a concussion and unable to run in a straight line.
Adriane has competed in the past two seasons of American Ninja Warrior and has high hopes to compete again this year. She also placed third at the BFX-24 race that was won by Adriane’s “concussion buddy” Morgan Mckay.
Adriane also talks about her Dressage business. (It rhymes with Massage.) She says the best way to explain Dressage is “Ballet with horses”.
Most people at World’s Toughest Mudder write their names on their bibs, or a nickname. Adriane writes “Unbroken”. Adriane escaped a violent abusive relationship and writes that on her bib to remind herself and to show others that she is still Unbroken.
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